The Seven Affects, also known as the Seven Emotions

The Seven Affects are a fundamental concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that refers to the impact of emotions on a person’s physical and mental health. The emotions are seen as an important aspect of overall health, and are believed to play a significant role in the development and progression of illness and disease.

The Seven Affects are:

  1. Joy: Joy is associated with the Heart organ in TCM, and is considered a positive emotion that promotes harmony and balance. However, excessive joy or excitement can lead to overstimulation of the Heart and disrupt the body’s balance.
  2. Anger: Anger is associated with the Liver organ in TCM, and is considered a negative emotion that can cause Qi stagnation and disrupt the body’s flow of energy.
  3. Worry: Worry is associated with the Spleen organ in TCM, and is considered a negative emotion that can weaken the Spleen and impair digestion and nutrient absorption.
  4. Grief: Grief is associated with the Lung organ in TCM, and is considered a negative emotion that can weaken the Lung and impair respiration and immunity.
  5. Fear: Fear is associated with the Kidney organ in TCM, and is considered a negative emotion that can weaken the Kidney and impair urinary and reproductive function.
  6. Fright: Fright is associated with the Heart organ in TCM, and is considered a negative emotion that can lead to Qi and Blood stagnation and disrupt the body’s balance.
  7. Pensiveness: Pensiveness is associated with the Lung organ in TCM, and is considered a negative emotion that can lead to Qi stagnation and impair respiration and immunity.

The specific treatment approach will depend on the individual’s symptoms and constitution, as well as the nature of the affect.

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