Moxibustion is a type of TCM treatment that involves burning a small bundle of dried mugwort (a type of herb) over specific acupuncture points on the body. This is known as a Moxa Roll or a Moxa Stick. The burning of the moxa is intended to stimulate the flow of qi (energy) in the body and promote healing. Moxa Rolls are typically made by tightly rolling dried mugwort leaves into a cylinder shape, which can then be lit at one end and held close to the skin, or placed on a piece of ginger or garlic on the skin. The heat from the burning moxa is believed to penetrate the skin and help to warm and nourish the body's energy. Moxa Rolls may be used in conjunction with acupuncture, or as a standalone treatment. Moxibustion is often used in TCM to treat a variety of conditions, including pain, digestive disorders, menstrual problems, and respiratory issues. However, as with any form of medical treatment, it is important to consult a licensed practitioner before trying moxibustion or any other TCM therapy.
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